Our positions
Is your dream job not listed but do you want to join our mission? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Demi van Garling Corporate Talent Manager +316 41 25 43 55 recruitment@thinkwisesoftware.com
Our application process
After your application, we always try to respond within 3 working day.

If you are invited for an interview, we will first check whether there is a match between your profile and our expectations.

Interview with Recruiter & Hiring Manager
We are very curious about your ambitions and work experience. We would also like to tell you more about the opportunities within Thinkwise and see how we can best support you to advance your career.

(Online) assessment
For the second interview, we will ask if you can take an online assessment depending on your position. We will discuss the results during the second interview.

Interview with department colleagues
During this interview with your future colleagues, you will get a good idea of your work and workplace, and we will immediately get to know each other better.

Is there a match? Then we will make you a suitable offer and may we hopefully welcome you as a new colleague soon! An employment conditions proposal will follow during or after this interview.